X-mas Quiz – Here are the winners

Many of you answered correctly on more than five questions in our X-mas quiz, but the following contesters also had luck of the draw. Each one of them won an Apple Pencil – perfect to use for annotations and notes in the Admincontrol app.

  • Julia Olsson
  • Kim Thorup 
  • Anton Sandgren

Congratulations, we hope it will come to use.

Read all the answers to the X-mas Quiz here:

Q: Which company acquired Admincontrol earlier this year?
A: Visma
Read more about the Visma`s acquisition of Admincontrol here.

Q: What is a Clean Room?
A data room within a data room

Learn more about Clean Rooms in our blogpost.

Q: What is the GDPR about?
Data Privacy

Q: When does the GDPR come into effect next year?
A: 25th of May

Visit our GDPR startpage to learn more about the topic here.

Q: How many active users has Admincontrol?
30.000 to 50.000

Q: Which humanitarian organisation is Admincontrol supporting?

Read more about Admincontrol`s contribution to Sabona in this blogpost.

Q: Which companies is a board portal valuable for
Companies of all sizes

Charlie Horrell explains why in this blogpost.