Admincontrol & Luminance partnership

Overcome workload issues by applying AI to the laborious M&A due diligence process

Admincontrol has partnered up with Luminance, a leading artificial intelligence platform for the legal profession, to provide a solution that is delivering a step change in efficiency and productivity.

With our integration, you can transfer documents from the Admincontrol data room solution to Luminance, within the Luminance platform. Easy, fast and secure.

How can organisations benefit?

Applying AI driven solutions to the laborious document reviewing process comes with several benefits, such as:

Time savings

Speed up the reviewing process, from reviewing between 50-100 documents an hour to over 3,000 with the support of AI

Cost savings

Reducing overall reviwing time from months to weeks, also mean delivering projects at a fraction of the cost compared to projects with manuall reviewing processes

Reduced risk

With AI it is possible to review 100% of documents. Crucially, this means there is no longer a need for M&A due diligence teams to rely on sampling – and they can be certain that no anomaly has been missed

“We are delighted to have launched this integration- by allowing lawyers to rapidly and securely upload vast datasets, we hope to ensure that dealmakers can save even more time, minimise risk and increase the scope of their contract reviews.”

Møyfrid Øygard, Managing Director, Admincontrol


  1. An instant, graphic visualisation of
    the dataset
  2. Instantly identification of
    different document types, clauses,
    anomalies, currencies in any language
  3. Intuitive, easy-to-use interface
    ensures that no bespoke user training
    is required
  4. The ability to surface the ‘unknown
    unknowns’ – the hidden risks in the
  5. Works seamlessly in any language,
    Luminance is currently in use in over
    80 languages including Hebrew,
    Russian and Japanese
  6. Automatic clause identification based
    on over 1,000 pre-set clause models
  7. Automatic document and clause
    compliance based on standardised
    models and established learnings
  8. Collaborative workflow tools including
    batch document allocation to ensure
    no duplication of effort

Use cases

Luminance’s revolutionary machine learning technology which can be used to accelerate legal processes such as

M&A due diligence

Regulatory compliance

Property portfolio


Using Luminance in the reviewing process, M&A consultants at EY have experienced 90 %time-saving on reviewing time

How it works

The solution works in three steps

Firstly, by synchronising with Luminance, with one click M&A lawyers can securely upload and transfer legal documents into the Luminance platform.

Secondly, Luminance uses both supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms to read and form an understanding of the legal data, instantly flagging key datapoints, clauses and potential risks within the dataset. This allows lawyers to start their review in the most logical and efficient way possible.

Thirdly, as the reviewer continues to interact with the platform – for instance, by tagging clauses – Luminance learns from these interactions to generate additional insight and accelerate the review even further.

Download our e-book to learn more about the process

See the solution in action

Fill out this form to learn more about the AI integration, get a demo or try it live.