The Admincontrol Cleantech Initiative

Smart ideas deserve smart tools

Cleantech startups get 75 % off on all our data room plans

Introducing: The Admincontrol Cleantech Initiative

The Admincontrol Cleantech Initiative’s goal is to support cleantech startups in the early stages of funding. Companies that qualify, get our feature-rich data room solution at 75 % off the listing price.

With this initiative, we are able to support two areas we feel very passionate about; sustainability and entrepreneurship

Mari Nygård, Head of Data Rooms, Admincontrol

Qualification & Process

To qualify, your company must:

  • Be devoted to solving one or more of the environmental objectives of the EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Initiatives
  • Be a start-up in a phase prior to, and including, series A funding

Once the application below is submitted, the application will be reviewed based on these criterias. Upon qualification, a discount voucher will be issued. With the voucher, you can purchase any data room plan in our webshop at a 75 % discount.

Compare prices

Qualified Cleantech companies get 75 % off on all our plans, here is an example showing pricing for our Small data room plan, with and without the discount. The discount applies to fixed fees only.

Standard price – Small data room plan

  • 500 MB included
  • 1 hour of training and project management
  • Unlimited number of users
  • Advanced features such as Secure Messaging, Folder Wizard, Task Manage

Speed up, secure & structure your funding process

With Admincontrol’s feature-rich data room

Our data room is custom-built to facilitate and streamline processes such as fundraising and capital injections.

Learn more about our data room

Not surprising, many start-ups find it difficult to prioritize buying time saving solutions like data rooms. Being passionate about sustainability, we want to contribute by helping to give start-ups within this area every chance to succeed. To be able to do that we are offering our solution at a very low cost through this initiative

Mari Nygård, Head of Data Rooms, Admincontrol

Apply to the inititative here

Fill out this form to be evaluated. If you qualify for the initiative, you will shortly receive a voucher code that you can use to get 75 % off on all our data room plans (fixed fees only).

1Company Information
2Project Information
3Contact Information

FAQ: The Admincontol Cleantech Initiative

An initiative from Admincontrol for cleantech startups in a phase prior to, and including, series A funding. Qualified companies get access to our data room solution at a 75 % discount.

Yes, the discount applies to all our data room plans from preparation portal to the largest data room plans. The discount is for the fixed fees.

Fixed fees are the monthly (or annual) costs for the plan you have selected. Each plan comes with a predefined data volume. If you use more data volume or other additional services (such as USB exports or transfer) you are charged extra for this. If during the project, you reach the data volume limits on your current plan, you can easily upgrade (still at discounted pricing).

Apply using the form on this site to be considered for the inititative.

Shortly after you submit your application, our inititive committee evaluates the application. If you qualify, you will receive a personal voucher for Admincontrol’s web shop. Using the voucher upon checkout, will activate the 75 % discount.

Your funding phase (phases prior to, and including, series A funding qualify) and if your project is aligned with one of the six environmental objectives in the EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Initiatives.

The EU Taxonomy is a classification system, establishing a list of environmentally sustainable economic activities. The EU taxonomy is an important enabler to scale up sustainable investment and to implement the European Green Deal.

1: Climate change mitigation

2: Climate change adaptation

3: The sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources

4: The transition to a circular economy

5: Pollution prevention and control

6: The protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems