Admincontrol and Sabona
Sabona is a humanitarian organisation working at a grassroots level in the northern part of Zimbabwe. It was founded by Ynghild Solholm after she travelled to the country in 1999. Her journey eventually led her to the village of Dopota, where she started working as an English teacher, and raising awareness of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
When she saw children fainting in class from thirst and hunger she knew she had to do something more. She organised a charity concert back home in Norway and with the money raised from the concert and her own student loan, she started a food station at Dopota Primary School. This food station provided all children attending school with a hot and nutritious meal every day. With this, Sabona was born.
Twenty years later, Sabona`s work has spread to several communities in Matabeleland North in Zimbabwe. With their holistic approach, they work with projects on education, health, employment, and infrastructure, all of which are areas that need to work well in order to have a thriving society. Projects are initiated and owned by the local populaces, and the aim is to provide the tools needed to sustain the projects over time. By offering the necessary training and education on the different projects, they empower the locals to take complete ownership and keep the projects alive.
Admincontrol and Sabona
Admincontrol has been focused on Corporate Social Responsibility for many years and when we were looking for a collaborator in 2012, we were hoping to find an organisation that shared our core values.
We wanted a partner we could work closely with and, where we could get updates and follow projects first-hand. It was also important for us that any organisation we would partner with was working with sustainable projects, and that self-help was the goal. With all this in mind, Sabona was a perfect fit for us.
Over nearly 10 years of collaboration with Sabona, we have helped sponsor small and large projects, together with scholarship sponsorships. As a partner, we get insight into the progress and results of projects we are a part of and learn more about the communities and people Sabona works with.
To further strengthen our collaboration, we aim to be as involved as possible. Every year we attend Standup Aid, a fundraiser for Sabona hosted by Latter, and we attend partner gatherings in order to meet other companies who support the organisation. Many of our colleagues have also taken a personal interest in this organization and have signed up for personal sponsorships.
Admincontrol wants to be a role model for how companies can work with CSR and have written several blog posts about our collaboration with Sabona.